Prior Art documents upon Anomalous Physical Researches

We present a compendium of prior art documents upon physical research, anomalous and otherwise.

Paraconical Pendulums and Eclipse Effects

Click Here for several previously unpublished documents by Latham of Imperial College. In 1980 Latham built a most ingenious paraconical pendulum, which was robot-operated and robot-monitored. This work certainly represents the most sophisticated paraconical pendulum research to date. Latham observed systematic anomalies in the motion of his pendulum, but the research does not appear to have proceeded as far as one might have wished. We are researching the matter at the moment, and the saga is ongoing... We are inclined to say, pace Newton, "If Latham had lived, we would have learnt something"!

Click Here for a most quizzical series of documents by Wuchterl in Vienna (some still in German). It appears that, during the great 1999 European eclipse, he may have detected some anomaly, but the evidence is not absolutely compelling.

Click Here for documents by Leo Savrov. Savrov built a very small and delicate version of the paraconical pendulum and operated it according to his own idiosyncratic protocols during solar eclipses in Mexico (1991) and Brazil (1994). The results were mixed and debatable, but it does appear that he detected some eclipse effect in Mexico.

Click Here for several documents by Mihaila detailing his observations in Romania during the 1999 European solar eclipse, and during a solar eclipse in 2003.

Click Here for a document by Jeverdan. Until now this was impossible to find on the internet, although it is a fundamental paper. It details his claimed Jeverdan-Rusu-Antonescu Effect - the change of the period of a pendulum during a solar eclipse.

Click Here for several documents by Prof. Dimitrie Olenici.

Click Here for documents by and about David Noever, concerning the NASA efforts to investigate eclipse effects during the 1999 total eclipse over Europe.

Gravimeters and Eclipse Effects

Click Here for a fascinating set of documents by Wang and Yang etc. the first of which details their observations during a solar eclipse in a remote part of China in 1997, and the others of which respond to the critics, and detail further observations during eclipses in Zambia and Australia. Using sensitive gravimeters, Wang and his colleagues appear to have detected incontrovertible anomalies on three separate occasions during solar eclipses. These papers have proved to be a bugbear for the nay-sayers (who are legion), because there appears little vulnerability upon any front; sometimes complete misrepresentation has been resorted to in an attempt to discredit these results.

Click Here for Mishra and Rao's paper about the very similar gravimetric anomaly they detected during an eclipse in India in 1995.

Click Here for Tomaschek's paper about the gravimetric observations he performed in the Shetland islands in 1954, during the "Allais eclipse". He detected no anomaly.

Torsion Pendulums and Eclipse Effects

Click Here for documents by Saxl and Allen. These include not only their well-known paper of 1970 describing the anomaly they detected with their torsion pendulum during a solar eclipse, but also a number of other relevant papers describing the experimental apparatus, as well as Erwin Saxl's US patent.

Click Here for a document by Kuusela, who used a torsion pendulum during a solar eclipse which was located upon the horizon at dawn. He detected no anomaly.

Click Here for a document by Luo Jun.

Atomic Clock Anomalies during Eclipses

Click Here for four documents by Zhou.


Click Here for five documents by Shnoll.

Click Here for documents by Yuri Galaev about his interesting experiments upon the motion of the aether.

Click Here for documents by G. B. Airy.

Click Here for an important paper by Longden on building short pendulums.

Click Here for a very important but difficult paper by Pippard on the mathematics of the pendulum.

Click Here for the Phd. thesis of Kamerlingh Onnes.

Click Here for a paper by Jean de Fonroque (in French).

Miscellaneous Papers on Eclipse Effects

Click Here for three often-cited papers, purporting to explain eclipse effects without invoking anomalies.

Miscellaneous Physics-Related Documents

Click Here for various works by Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, difficult to obtain anywhere else.


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