Kuusela's paper in Physical Review D

This communication is entitled "Effect of the solar eclipse on the period of a torsion pendulum".

Click Here for a PDF file of this article. The entire paper may be summarized in the word "None"; but the eclipse was right on the horizon, and so perhaps the geometry was wrong... Kuusela does say so...

This document is also available in the form of page images.

Click Here for a GIF scan of the first page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the second page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the third page

Click Here for a PDF file of a subsequent article written by Kuusela about his experiments in Mexico during the total eclipse of 11 July 1990. In this case he did detect an anomaly, but not the one he expected!

Click Here for a PDF file of an article written by Kaariainen about observing the same Finland eclipse using long water levels.

Click Here for a PDF file of a subsequent article written by Makinen about gravimeter measurements during the same eclipse.


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