The PhD thesis of Kamerlingh Onnes

This thesis by Kamerlingh Onnes is available here as a series of PDF files, each of which is maybe about 1MB in size. The last three seem to be the most interesting; the first nine are mostly concerned with a mass of mathematics which, while certainly ground-breaking in its day, is now rather obsolete in its presentation.

Click Here for an illuminating appreciation of this thesis in English, by Schultz-Dubois who was actually able to read it.

Anyway, here they are, all in Dutch for the moment:

Click Here for a PDF file of the first part (the preamble).

Click Here for a PDF file of the second part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the third part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the fourth part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the fifth part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the sixth part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the seventh part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the eighth part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the ninth part.

Click Here for a PDF file of the tenth part (the description of the experimental setup).

Click Here for a PDF file of the eleventh part (the description of the results).

Click Here for a PDF file of the twelfth part (the figures).

The world awaits the arrival of a public-spirited figure who will perform the translation into English!


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