These documents have never been published before.

IN MEMORIAM: Robert Latham

Click Here for a PDF file of this brief appreciation of Professor Robert Latham. (240K)

Reports by Professor Latham of Imperial College, London

A discussion of aether theories (1967)

Click Here for a PDF file of this document. (989K)

Report No. 21 (1970)

A discussion of the work of Michelson/Morley/Miller and Esclangon

Click Here for a PDF file of this document. (1023K)

Report No. 26 (1978)

Comments upon the Paraconical Pendulum Experiment of M. F. C. Allais

Click Here for a PDF file of this document. (1055K)

Report No. 28 (1980)

A Report on a Repeat of the Allais Experiment

Click Here for a PDF file of the first 20 pages of this fascinating document. (545K)

And click Here for a PDF file of pages 21-44. (1160K)

And click Here for a PDF file of the final pages 45-70, which contain (from page 52 onwards) Latham's description of his automatically operating paraconical pendulum - a thing that I personally thought was impossible to build, but he did do it! this was what inspired me... (1257K)

Latham's operational methodology was also far ahead of any other researcher to date: he didn't monitor the azimuth of swing of the pendulum, but rather the minor axis of its elliptical motion - which is presumed to be much closer to the seat of the anomalies. This document is of the first importance in the field.

Report No. 29 (1980)

Experiments during the Solar Eclipse in Peru

Click Here for a PDF file of this document. (1161K)

Report No. 33 (1985)

A Computational Study of the Results of M.F.C. Allais with his Paraconical Pendulum

Click Here for a PDF file of the first portion. (1196K)

Click Here for a PDF file of the second portion. (1131K)

Click Here for a PDF file of the third portion. (1618K)

And click Here for a PDF file of the fourth and last portion (1950K)

This is an in-depth study of the greatest importance.

Report No. 34 (1987)

Further Notes on Report No. 33

Click Here for a PDF file of this short document. (133K)

This is a follow-up document to Report No. 33


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