Erwin Saxl and Mildred Allen - documents

This page gives links for various documents by Erwin Saxl, some of them co-authored with Mildred Allen, and all concerning the torsion pendulum which they operated together at Harvard.

Here is a picture of Erwin Saxl:

Here is (I think) a picture of Professor Mildred Allen when young:

Click here for the article in the Physical Review which tells what happened to the pendulum during the solar eclipse of 1970, and for other Saxl&Allen eclipse-related documents.

Click here for a copy of the US Patent that Erwin Saxl took out for the device - this contains many interesting constructional details.

Click here for a copy of Professor Saxl's final report on his activities.

Click here for an article, this time by Allen and Saxl, entitled "Elastic Torsion in Wires under Tension".

Click here for an article by Saxl and Allen "Period of a Torsion Pendulum as Affected by Adding Weights".

Click here for two other miscellaneous articles by Saxl and Allen about their torsion pendulum.


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