Erwin Saxl's US Patent 3,357,253

This page is for providing links to Erwin Saxl's US Patent 3,357,253. Just why he went to the expense of taking out this patent, I cannot think; but in any case the specification contains a wealth of interesting constructional detail which is not available elsewhere, so it seems that maybe the cost was not wasted in the end.

Click Here for a PDF file of this patent (including the drawings).

This patent is also available in the form of page images.

Click Here for a GIF scan of the first page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the second page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the third page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the fourth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the fifth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the sixth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the seventh page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the eighth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the ninth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the tenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the eleventh page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the twelfth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the thirteenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the fourteenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the fifteenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the sixteenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the seventeenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the eighteenth page

Click Here for a GIF scan of the nineteeth and last page


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