What's New

In this day-by-day blog-like account of our activities in Panama, the most recent information is at the top, and so on down... so, if you are new to this page, to get the full picture, you should read the entries starting from the bottom.

1 April 2005:

The platform is finished! Only a few details remain to be done, and then we will be ready to start observations...

For details,

31 March 2005:

Now we are laying the tiles to complete the platform.

For details,

30 March 2005:

The problem with the pendulum setup up till now has been that the pendulums are very close to the ceiling, and much too high off the floor to operate conveniently. Accordingly we are building a working platform for the operators to stand on.

For details,

Tomorrow we shall fill this space up with sand and cover it over with tiles.

20 March 2005:

A report from Bogota, Colombia, detailing the production of the twelve pendulum bobs and the setting up of two paraconical pendulums.

For details,

Tomorrow we return to Panama.

14 March 2005:

We have finished both of the pendulum tables now, and today we mounted the two pendulum releases mounted securely in place.

For details,

And today we go to Colombia to see the installation there - stand by for pictures...

9 March 2005:

We have now finished building the first pendulum table - it is very strong and rigid.

For details,

7 March 2005:

The concrete has been poured today! Now we have two pendulum supports.

For details,

27 February 2005:

Our preliminary visit to the Penonome campus of UTP went very well.

For details,

24 February 2005:

Preparations are well underway for the Hybrid Solar Eclipse on 8 April 2005!

For details,


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