Report upon Observations performed in Panama over the Solar Eclipse of 8 April 2005, and Notes upon simultaneous observations by Prof. Hector Munera in Colombia and by Prof. Reg Cahill in Australia

To answer the most exciting question first: we observed absolutely no eclipse effect in Panama. And no eclipse effect was observed in Australia, while some ambiguous eclipse effect may have been seen in Colombia. However, in all of these three locations, there did appear most interesting periodic effects, like those seen by Latham in 1980, and like the ones we saw last year in Malaysia. These cry out for further investigation.

Operations in Penonome, Panama

Operations in Bogota, Colombia

Operations in Adelaide, Australia

Downloads - left click to view with Word/Excel in your browser; right click to download:

The background environmental data for Panama (100KB):

The raw data obtained in both Panama and Colombia (300KB):

The Panama and Colombia data with certain derived values (400KB):

Charts drawn from the Panama and Colombia data (500KB):

(when you open this one, don't bother "updating the linked information"; instead, click "keep the existing information.)

The raw data obtained in Adelaide for 12 hours over the eclipse, with a chart (36KB):


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