Publicity we have received in local Sarawak newspapers for our pendulum experiments relating to the Eclipse Effect

Overall, I think that the standard of the reporting is pretty high, and sensationalism has been avoided as much as humanly possible... These newspaper clippings, which came out after our first press conference, are in .gif or .jpg form, suitable for printing.

Click Here for the article in the 'Malaysian Today'.

Click Here for the article in the 'Sarawak Tribune'.

Click Here for the article in the 'Borneo Post'.

Click Here for the article in the 'New Straits Times'.

Click Here for the article in the Chinese language newspaper 'Sin-Jiew-Jit-Poh'.

We owe these newspaper clippings to our second press conference:

Click Here for an article in the Borneo Post.

Click Here for an article in another Chinese language newspaper.

And here is a big spread: an in-depth 'personality' article about Dimitrie Olenici from the Borneo Post magazine of Saturday, October 30th:

Click Here for the reference from the front page.

Click Here for an image of the first page (533KB).

Click Here for an image of the second page (563KB)


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