Maurice Allais's set of three articles in Aero/Space Engineering, sponsored by Wernher von Braun - 'Should the Laws of Gravitation be Reconsidered?'

These articles are available both in PDF form, and as page images. Here are the PDFs:

Click Here for a PDF file of the first article.

Click Here for a PDF file of the second and third articles.

And here are the page images:

Click Here for the first page.

Click Here for the second page.

Click Here for the third page.

Click Here for the fourth page.

Click Here for the fifth page.

Click Here for the sixth page.

Click Here for the seventh page.

Click Here for the eighth page.

Click Here for the ninth page.

Click Here for the tenth page.

Click Here for the eleventh page.

Click Here for the twelfth page.

Click Here for the thirteenth page.


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